Family—the most powerful influence system in the world—affects our choices. From an early age, we are exposed to family ideals about love. We learn about commitment and marriage. We hear from our parents phrases like:...
The lure of open relationships! It does sound exciting. You may have read or seen something about it somewhere. Perhaps you have heard about it from a friend. Maybe a friend of yours is in...
Take any film industry in this world, and you can see there is some form of violence in many of their movies or TV programs. Children are not just limited to watching screen violence on...
My heart aches to see children of all ages glued to their phone screens. I then curse the invention of phone. Since the invention of smartphones, a phone’s primary utility of being a communication device...
One day, a life-altering incident occurred that could have ended in tragedy, but I was miraculously saved. How did it happen? It was the time when I used to work for my first IT company...
According to Psych Central, nearly all of us show traits of narcissism from time to time. We all may show some traits of narcissism when dealing with certain people or in certain conditions or at...
Soft Skills, Real Skills, or Human skills; people call or know them by different names. It doesn’t matter what you call them, these are important skills and your child must understand, learn and act on...
When you love and care for your partners, you really strive to avoid your destructive behaviours and past bad influences. You educate yourself. You become more aware of your partners’ emotions and feelings. But, some...
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