Why Women Smokers are Increasing?

Women Smokers are Increasing

In the last couple of years, I have been observing that the number of women smokers around me is increasing.

Initially, I used to spot 1-2 women smokers once in a while, but now I am seeing more of them frequently.

Men smokers have already jeopardized their health. And now, women are also playing with their health.

But why are women smokers increasing? There could be several factors. Furthermore, it is important to note that smoking patterns can vary by country, religion, culture, or ethnicity.

Here are some insights into the potential reasons why the number of women smokers may have increased in this modern era:

Social and Cultural Factors

Have you seen someone taking a puff of a cigarette? You can notice how cool that individual tries to look by posing and giving expressions like an actor or a model. You can see a different attitude in their body language.

It is because smoking has been promoted as glamorous, rebellious, and sophisticated in various periods. You can observe how smoking has been portrayed as a symbol of freedom or empowerment in advertisements, movies, pop music, and other media.

Such social perceptions can influence women’s smoking behavior.

Targeted Marketing

We may have seen many ads from tobacco companies where men and women are shown smoking in a glamorous way.

For a long time, tobacco companies have been targeting women with specific marketing campaigns. They have been modifying the designs of cigarette packs to appeal to women.

For example, some cigarette brands have offered slimmer and “feminine” cigarette packs to entice women.

Stress and Coping Mechanisms

I have observed that many men associate smoking as a coping mechanism for stress. Therefore, women may also turn to smoking as a way to cope with stress.

Women often report higher levels of stress. It is because of their roles and responsibilities, both at home and in the workplace. They go through immense pressure juggling family, career, and societal expectations.

In such stressful situations, women may find answers by lighting up a cigarette because it gives them temporary relief.

But why do smokers feel this way? It’s because of nicotine, an addictive substance found in tobacco. Women can temporarily feel better because this substance affects the brain’s chemistry, releasing feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine.

So when stress starts to overwhelm women, that quick hit of nicotine can provide them a momentary sense of relaxation and relief.

Peer Pressure

Social influences like peer pressure can play an important role in people’s smoking habits.

When you are an adolescent or young adult, you are influenced by your peers. A couple of peers from school, college, and work would try to persuade me to smoke with them many times. But I would refuse them every time.

I have also noticed a couple of incidents where some of my colleagues and acquaintances got pressured by their friends to smoke. It all starts with fun and jokes, and when you realize you already become a habitual smoker.

Women may start smoking or continue to smoke due to such social influences. Think about social activities like gatherings with friends, parties, or even workplace breaks.

In such situations, when women may find that their peers are smoking, they may also feel a strong temptation to join in. It is not just about the act of smoking but also about the sense of belonging and camaraderie it can provide.

Economic Factors

Economic conditions can influence a person’s decision to smoke.

If a person forms a habit, it’s not only about her personal choice but also about the environment and opportunities that surround the person.

So economic conditions like affordability, income disparities, employment and workforce environments, and targeted marketing can significantly influence women to smoke.

For example, in regions where cigarettes are relatively inexpensive, more women may find it easy to buy cigarettes. This can lead to making smoking a more accessible habit.

Let’s take another example, economic disparities play a pivotal role in increasing women smokers. Women in lower-income brackets may be more likely to smoke due to the stress of income instability.

Changing Gender Roles

As we have witnessed over the decades, our society has evolved. Traditional gender roles have been challenged and transformed, giving women more opportunities for equality and independence.

With this empowerment has come the freedom to make choices, both positive and negative. Women now enjoy activities like smoking that were once primarily associated with men.

Today, women are breaking free from traditional roles and expectations. They are pursuing careers and embracing leadership positions. With increased responsibilities at work and home, women may often find themselves under tremendous pressure. And to cope with it, some of them may start smoking.

Moreover, the shift in gender roles has also impacted women’s social lives. They have become more involved in various social circles and activities. Some of these environments can promote smoking because it may be prevalent there. So due to peer pressure and an urge to fit in such social networks, women may start smoking.

Such factors show that there is a link between changing gender roles and increasing women smokers.

Lack of Awareness

Lack of awareness and misconceptions in a community can fuel the smoking habit. Like in a community where there is no discussion about the harmful effects of smoking, especially for women. There may be a possibility that either the topic is taboo, or there is a lack of awareness.

In such places, without proper information, women may not fully understand the health risks of smoking.

In some cases, women may not become aware of the dangers until it’s too late. Many young women may start smoking thinking it is harmless. But due to delayed awareness, they may face serious health consequences later in life.

If in a community and culture, smoking is normalized, women may not question the harmful effects of smoking. They may perceive it as a normal part of life. Later on, such perceptions may make it more challenging for women smokers to break free from the habit.

Final Thought

So you have seen that there are several potential reasons for a notable increase in the number of women smokers in recent years.

As almost all of us know about the dangerous effects of smoking, there is a need for more anti-smoking campaigns and public efforts to reduce the number of smokers.

Women and men smokers need to be more aware that smoking is associated with numerous health risks, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

So, quitting smoking is one of the best steps a person can take to improve their health and the health of people around them.

Many resources and support systems are available to help individuals quit smoking if they choose to do so.